Efficient Living was invited to attend the City of Sydney’s forum Creating a Planning Pathway to Net Zero Buildings Forum, to help local and state government understand planning issues and opportunities to transition to net zero development.
Creating a Planning Pathway to Net Zero Buildings
We were pleased to be invited to the City of Sydney’s Forum 2, Creating a Planning Pathway to Net Zero Buildings on the 1 November 2018.
Greater Sydney’s most recent and comprehensive planning document, the Greater Sydney Region Plan – A Metropolis of Three Cities, identifies improved building efficiency as one of the most important pathways towards net zero emissions in Greater Sydney. The five District Plans are a guide for implementing the Region Plan. All District Plans contain the Planning Priority Reducing carbon emissions and managing energy, water and waste efficiently. This series of forums are being held to identify how to support the objectives and strategies identified in the Region and District Plans to achieve a low-carbon, efficient city.
The forum invitees included environmental sustainability consultants, planning consultants, local and state government planners from across Greater Sydney, and other NSW government agencies.
Forum invitees were asked to consider current perceived and real issues, barriers and challenges encountered for new developments to transition towards net zero. The planning framework consists of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979; state environmental planning policies (SEPPs) (e.g. BASIX SEPP, Infrastructure SEPP); Region and District Plans; local environmental plans; development control plans; other planning tools (e.g. NABERS, Green Star).
We will be invited to attend Forum 3 where all stakeholders will come together to finalise the planning pathway to net zero energy development with targets and timeframes.
Read more about the City of Sydney’s Net zero energy development
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