Prameena Karunairaj

Associate Director

I love bringing like-minded people together to make the world a better place. What better way to do it than as a sustainability consultant?


After 12 years in the industry, I am experienced at leading large teams of sustainability engineers to deliver sustainability certifications such as LEED, WELL, Envision, EarthCheck, Mostadam and Estidama. I have supported organisations in the development of bespoke KPIs to achieve sustainability aspirations and I’m well-versed in research methodologies related to building envelope and its performance. One of my interests is to educate the market in various areas of sustainability, green buildings, green building materials and applications. In addition, I have also managed infrastructure projects from planning and material selection to execution and hand-over stage with a focus on sustainability.

I enjoy working on projects where I can influence sustainability from early design stages. Sustainability has to be the core driving principle, rather than an afterthought, in any design process. I take an integrative approach to project management, where consultants and clients get together and make design decisions that are sustainable and future-proof. A favourite project I’ve worked on is the TRSDC Desert Rock Hotel in the Middle East. Currently under construction, this net-zero project is a perfect example of how occupant comfort and sustainability can go hand-in-hand. It was a finalist in the MENA Green Building Awards 2021.

Even when I was a kid, I was always conscious of the detrimental impacts of human activities on our surroundings, so I was elated to be offered a position in sustainability at the start of my career. This was the universe pointing me to my calling. Now, as a mother of two adorable children, I am concerned that we are depleting their natural resources and deteriorating their environment. This is the reason I stay in ESD.

I am a civil engineer by education and have completed a range of green building accreditations over the years.

I am a combination of a philomath and a logophile. Naturally, my leisure time is spent immersed in intelligent words – I read everything ranging from historical fiction to white papers on louvres. This is when I am not spending time with my family and chasing my children around!